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Jst joined this site seems to be alot of good people on here. I am wondering if i can get some advise on how to get a woody cos i jst carnt seem to get close enough to them and i see at least two every time i go out shooting.But [bANNED TEXT] they see me they jst bolt.

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Hiya Rossy.     DONT DO IT MATE !!   I tried that and had the shit kicked out on me by a load of crow's.......was a good suit too, although the rubber feet were a crap fit.       Bill.

Ah, I found there was another problem that I'd not thought of.   As someone said, those budgies are highly UV sensitive.   Now Messers Procter and Gamble found, many years ago, that if you stick a

I've always washed my shooting gear on a rinse wash with no powder or anything, just water.   Anyway, I have a theory about pigeons....   They do not exist in our reality. They come in to being r

hi buddy

welcome to the forum

you may want to get there a bit early buddy,or build a hide,and watch for flight lines.it pays to put in the home work to reap the results!! :thumbs:





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:welcomeani: Mickey


One thing you should know about Woodies, is they have exceptional eyesight :yes:


They also see in the Ultra Violate Spectrum, rather than how we see in the Visible Light Spectrum.

Now they have this fantastic advantage of being able to see the tinyest piece of Human Flesh because our skin shows up BIG time under UV so they can see us incredibly well.


I have snook up on woodies and even hidden under a huge old conker tree with my dpm on and a hat balaclava, gloves etc..

And as soon as I look up nomatter how slowley I do it, they're off.

Once thought I had it made with a woody directly above me, had my face completely covered only exposed part was behind the scope, got the croshairs on target, slipped my trigger finger out of the glove (only about an inch of skin exposed doing this) and man did that thing flap out of the tree :angry: :angry:


I've only shot three of the buggers, but man do they taste good :yes:



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Welcome the airgun section, wood pigeons are the most wiley bird out there for the airgunner, try to find the trees they use to sit in during the day to preen in, once you have found them, just sit under them and wait, and dont forget to put up a post when you manage to whack one :D

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Hello mate and welcome to the forums.


Pigeons on my permission match the explanations above, very wary and next to impossible to stalk,


Like Davy mentioned, if you can take note of regular routes they fly with stop offs on particular tree's then you may be in a better situation to ambush them, or just sit somewhere either partially concealed or fully if you have time to make some sort of hide, and wait for them to land when passing through and slowly raise gun and shoot then you couod be on to a winner.


Some people have pigeons on there land that are very tame in comparsion and dontunderstand it when people post a problem like this! For some time I wrote pigeons off as too hard to get most the time but over time usuing different ways have picked them off. At the moment hey are stuffing there faces on some fields and its a bit easier to sneak up using cover to get closer to them|!


Keep at them!!



Edited by JackReid
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i have the same proplem


i have heard and am looking to try,that the leaf or the ghilli suits can go a long way to helping put the birds in the bag.


if this fails then im getting a pigeon suit and sitting in the tree,giving it my best come to bed eyes, hay there mr pigeon how you doin!!!!! BANG. followed by an evil laugh...


or maybe i need to leave off the e numbers.lol.


never no might work, as nothing elce seams to get you close on my permission.



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  On 07/07/2010 at 14:46, rossy08 said:

i have the same proplem


i have heard and am looking to try,that the leaf or the ghilli suits can go a long way to helping put the birds in the bag.


if this fails then im getting a pigeon suit and sitting in the tree,giving it my best come to bed eyes, hay there mr pigeon how you doin!!!!! BANG. followed by an evil laugh...


or maybe i need to leave off the e numbers.lol.


never no might work, as nothing elce seams to get you close on my permission.







Hiya Rossy.





I tried that and had the shit kicked out on me by a load of crow's.......was a good suit too, although the rubber feet were a crap fit.





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  On 07/07/2010 at 14:46, rossy08 said:

if this fails then im getting a pigeon suit and sitting in the tree,giving it my best come to bed eyes, hay there mr pigeon how you doin!!!!! BANG. followed by an evil laugh...


or maybe i need to leave off the e numbers.lol.


never no might work, as nothing elce seams to get you close on my permission.




Ohhhh errrr Andy,


Is there something your not telling us? Either that or you deffo need to knock the e-numbers on the head :laugh:


I'd do the same, but I'd be working on the Miss n Mrs Woodies :tongue2:


Right Guys very usefull information warning for yaw'l :boogie::yes:

Dunno why I didn't remember this before, must be this Russian Lager :thumbs:


A friend of mine used to decoy Woodies (Still does as far as I am aware) using paper decoys on balloons so they move in the field.

You may have seen some of his videos or his articals in the popular mags and one thing he did show worked exceptionally well was that he used to get the fecking things to land right above his head in woodland :notworthy:


I passed on his tip for this' and then someone else on here tried it to very good effect and we had a pretty good lenth thread about it. What Steve does (and I must remember tomorrow to pick one up in Hull) is he colours the backs of the Deeks using an Ultra Violate pen, nothing elaborate, just a few flashes on the back. He would then loft the deeks into the tree and take them out as they landed.


The last thread we had on the subject, had a slight variant to it.

Someone (sorry cant give credit for this technique as I can't remember who it was :doh: ) on here began marking the actual branches with a UV Marker and it had exactly the same effect, The woodies can see the UV marks through the foliage and they associate it with their kin folk, relaxing in a nice shaded sitty tree. so they drop in for a rest and to chance their luck with the lady woodies and the young virile male woodies.


Like I say, The video with the deeks was superb :notworthy: and so were the results that both he, and other THL members had.

I' just need to remember to buy the sodding pen tomorrow so I can give it a whirl myself :yes:

Lets face it, next to Vennison, a bit of Woody Breast (either Naked or dressed in Sultry bacon lingerie) is well worth getting your gob around :angel:



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  On 07/07/2010 at 15:16, Sweeney-Todd said:




I tried that and had the shit kicked out on me by a load of crow's.......was a good suit too, although the rubber feet were a crap fit.






Class Bill, pure class





Gawd I need a new keyboard :yes: and this Ruskie beer stings like hell when it leaves the sinuses :icon_eek:



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Ah, I found there was another problem that I'd not thought of.


As someone said, those budgies are highly UV sensitive.


Now Messers Procter and Gamble found, many years ago, that if you stick a UV reflective compound in your washing powder, it makes whites look brighter and whiter.


Unfortunately it means that your newly laundered "camo" suit is actually pigeon hi vis! If you absolutely have to wash it, then you need to use a good old soap powder, without all those UV reflectives in it!


I can "call" pigeons, spent quite a while at Chester zoo a while back talking to one. Different types have different, distinctive "voices" and "phrases". I use a trick I learnt, I kid you not, from "Swallows and Amazons" (they used it to do owl calls, I reckon it's more like pigeon!)


Your wood pigeon says "my shoes hurt, they do", whereas your feral says "the loo's blocked"


I've not tried the rubber suit yet, but with my call and a decent suit I reckon it'd be carnage!


Question, when you shoot them how do you eat them? I find that the only bit worth the bother of retrieving is the breasts, which are very nice flash fried with some chilli and balsamic! Have plucked one and roast it, not very succesful, and there's bu##er all meat on the legs!

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:clapper: Matt :clapper:


Your correct about the UV enhancers in washing powder :yes:


I run the washing machine through an empty wash 1st Just to get rid of any left over scent from the softners the wife insists on putting onto the clothes.


Then I give the gear a wash without wash detergent and no softner, then give it a few extra rinses then hang it out to dry.




SPA for making me laugh :yes:

Edited by Phantom
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I've always washed my shooting gear on a rinse wash with no powder or anything, just water.


Anyway, I have a theory about pigeons....


They do not exist in our reality. They come in to being randomly from an alternate universe.


The reason I've arrived at this is 'cos of the amount of times I've been kreeping, stalking, hideing whatever in a wood, skaning all the trees ever so carefuly and then all of a sudden, from nowhere, a pigeon suddenly flaps into our reality and scares all the feckin' bunnies for miles. BAS*ARDS!! :wallbash:


I swear they're working together, in league with the Devil.... :icon_eek:




Edit... I've not been drinking, honest.......

Edited by andyfr1968
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